For Rent
(¥) 190,000
(¥) 190,000
- Property ID: 122479
- Date added: 18/08/24
- Post Updated: 2024-08-18 01:00:55
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2
- Rent period: Monthly
- Type: Duplexes
- Status: Available Now
- Area: 1400 sq ft
- Closest Base: Hansen Gate 1
- no furnished
- 4 parking
- with inspection
- very nice home
- 5 mins from Expressway
- between Hansen and Courtney
- cover parking
Properties Qty: 4
Koza Housing
[email protected]
Company: Koza Housing
Koza Housing is a housing agency based in Okinawa City, Okinawa, Japan. We cater to the local and foreign population on Okinawa by providing quality housing and apartment rentals. If you're looking to rent a house, duplex, or apartment, our website will be of great assistance.